Thursday, November 13, 2008


Day 10 ~ 11/13/08
More subway. This is at the Dykeman St stop on the A line. Yes, the first panel says "WE HOLD". The last panel is blank now, but apparently on election day it said "VOTE".

Day 9 ~ 11/12/08
This will probably be a recurring feature, as I love the mosaics in the subway tunnels here. This is at the E stop at 53rd and Lex.

Day 8 ~ 11/11/08
I was attempting to capture my utter apathy for going to run the show, but I think this is even worse than I intended it to look. 


laura k said...

I am a huge fan of subway mosaics! Before we left NYC, I read a story about all the beautiful new mosaics that were done (by various artists, commissioned for the MTA) for the newly renovated subway stops all over the city. My plan to do lots of NYC exploring before we left was supposed to include a full day spent riding subways all over to see a lot of them.

Then my world went crazy, for various reasons both good and horrible. My time became extremely limited and I had to delete several things from the list.

I got to very few subway stops. I still have the story, but I doubt I'll ever do it now.

So if you post more subway mosaic pictures, you will make at least one reader very happy.

Sarah Haendler said...

No worries - I am absolutely obsessed with the subway mosaics, both the old and the new, so I expect if I am able to keep up this photo-a-day thing, you'll see many more of them!

I like that day of subwaying idea... I might just have to do that one of these days.