In any event, today I cleaned up my hallway bookshelves, picked up a used shorty Ikea Billy for the spare room and shuffled a lot of stuff (and dust - whew) around, and now I like this room more than I did before. Some of that may be the rug no longer trying to trip me upon entry however. I'm not much of a rug person, I like wood floors, but Dave's a fan, so we have big rugs in the living room and the spare room.
I really need to think of a better name for the spare room. It used to be our bedroom, back when we had another roommate, but when Jon left us, I moved us into the smaller room. Now I have the absurd luxury of a room that is entirely for bed related activities. And for clothes. It feels really decadent to not have to cram a desk and some bookshelves and perhaps a TV into the "bedroom". It's just the bedroom. The old bedroom needs a new name though. It's become a sort of second living room, with a futon in case of guests and the old TV, on one side, and the computer room on the other. The office? The study? (I've always wanted a room that I could call "the study", but honestly, what am I studying? w00t?) The den? The spare room is just so lame, as names for less-obvious rooms go. Any suggestions?
What about The Den? It reminds me of the den that used to be in my grandparents house (except grandpop had just a plain desk, no computer). You couls also call it the play space. Or maybe The Aux short for Auxiliary? Can you tell I'm bored at work today? Miss you!
In my parents old house we had a room that was called the den, and it was the home of the TV and the computer (at this time we only had one of each - I can't decide if that's civilized or primitive.) My parents still have the living room as a TV-free area and a second room for the TV. I like this, because I'm not a big TV watcher, but I could never sell it, so we have two TVs - the living room one, which is slightly bigger and HDer where the Wii lives and in front of which Dave plants himself when he's home, and the one in the room-as-yet-unnamed, where I watch baseball because Dave is planted in front of the other one.
Any progess on a name yet? What about The Annex? That way you can talk to people on the phone and say "I'm sorry, can you hold on a second, I need to take this call in the annex." It'll make your place sound very regal and expansive and you'll sound super impressive. Though with the mutual friends we have, I doubt they would notice :)
Might I recommend "lounge"? You have a futon in there, a tele and the 'puter..."Lounge" is like a moral equivalent of "fun room", with a bit of well-earned pretension added in because you no longer need to have someone paying rent on each individual room in an apartment in NYC.
Mr. P suggests that you name it "Turnip" or "Fred". I have no words.
Hmm... I like lounge! I wonder if I can sell that to Dave. He doesn't seem to like Den. He's stuck on office, which I dislike, and spare bedroom, which is lame.
Regarding Fred, Turnip, I used to always use the names "Fred" and "George" as my arbitrary names for things, and then I went to CNU where we had a Fred and a George in the theatre dept, so it got a little weird, and now pretty much everyone I know associates "Fred & George" with Harry Potter. Perhaps I shall adopt Turnip.
I figured you were prohibited from watching baseball anywhere in the county. Ahem. On that note, how about Fenway?
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