Saturday, June 28, 2008


So good luck with your elections, I hope you win. - Eddie Izzard

I'm usually not a big fangirl type, but I do really enjoy Eddie Izzard, and I was quite jealous of my friend Eliza, who had birthday tickets to see him here in New York. I hadn't even considered going myself - money's tight enough without paying for event tickets to, well, anything. Especially anything at Radio City Music Hall.

Did I say I was jealous of Eliza? Because this is nothing compared to my jealousy of my friend Ben, who is on the tour bus with the Izzard tour. He somehow tripped over the gig as Lighting Director, and it couldn't have happened to a better guy, as Ben is both a very talented and skillful person, and a great friend. Still, I am quite jealous. Evidently Eddie is a very nice guy, down to earth, and whenever he gets special treatment, he expects that everyone with him gets it as well.
Big Time Promoter Dude: Gee, Mr. Izzard, we'd love to take you out for this swanky swanky five star dinner.
Eddie: Excellent, there will be seven of us.
About a week ago I got a text from Ben asking if I was coming to the shows this weekend, and I replied that no, it was a bit rich for my blood, and also a bit sold out. His reply? "Comps, Bitches!"

Not just any comps, it turns out, third row comps. And passes to the reception afterwards. Open bar, Eddie Izzard, surprisingly small group of attendees. Very cool. Eliza and her friends were trying to get a picture with Eddie, and once they accomplished that, I took a moment to thank him for waving the Obama flag throughout the south. (He encouraged the New York show to vote for Obama, but that's not anything impressive. Ben tells me he'd been doing it everywhere though, and I thought that was great.) Somehow my brief mention turned into a very cool conversation about politics and history and the oddness of growing up liberal in a largely conservative environment. Dave said that he really liked how Eddie kept looking to include him in the conversation, even though Dave himself had nothing to say.

It's always nice to hear that your favorite artists, athletes or entertainers really are the nice people you want them to be, but it's far better to find it out first hand.

Um... Squeee?


CDRooney said...

Your story was lovely. It's nice to hear Eddie Izzard is truly a good and generous guy. So often off stage personas are those of sleezy rats.
I came across your message while finding out how the NYC show went. I'm an artist in Virginia and would have longed to be closer to see Eddie in concert. So, I savor what others write. Yours was one of the best.

Sarah Haendler said...

Thanks cdrooney! I'm from Virginia myself, and Ben and I were talking later that night about what a shame it is that Eddie (and lucky-duck Ben) didn't have a tour stop in Virginia. While I sort of understand not heading to the western part of the Commonwealth or to my native Williamsburg, NoVa/DC seemed like an obvious choice to us. Just not, apparently, to the booking folks!

TMac said...

=- O

That's unbelievable. I really can't think of anything more intelligent to say. Awesome.


impudent strumpet said...

Oh wow. I try not to fangirl, really I do, but **swoon**

Sarah Haendler said...

My sentiments exactly. I'm still mad with the picture seeking folks who interrupted us! (Ok, not mad, exactly. But I don't like them. Not at all.)